All About the Erectile Dysfunction Stem Cell Therapy in India

Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to achieve and maintain a firm erection that lasts long enough for sexual intercourse. The condition affects men of all ages and can have a devastating impact on their quality of life. Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction in india and other countries is a new treatment for ED that… Continue reading All About the Erectile Dysfunction Stem Cell Therapy in India

For Cerebral Palsy – get stem cell treatments

Stem cells have the ability to transform into healthy new brain tissue and nerves. They also help rebuild blood vessels and enhance blood flow. For Cerebral Palsy – get stem cell treatments. Many patients with cerebral palsy have shown significant improvement on the GMFCS scale following stem cell therapy treatment. This has led to increased… Continue reading For Cerebral Palsy – get stem cell treatments

Stem Cell Treatment For Diabetes in India

Regenerative medicine offers promising new approaches to treating diabetes like Stem cell therapy in India for diabetes. Specifically, stem cells treatment can help regenerate insulin-producing pancreatic tissue and restore normal blood glucose levels. In a clinical trial, patients with type 1 diabetes who received autologous hematopoietic stem cells (the same kind found in cord blood)… Continue reading Stem Cell Treatment For Diabetes in India

What is a stem cell transplant?

Healthy stem cells when injected into a person’s bone marrow or blood is called a stem cell transplant. These healthy stem cells can replenish the person’s stem cells when their bone marrow has been damaged by chemotherapy, radiation, or a disease. If the healthy cells are taken from bone marrow, then its called as a… Continue reading What is a stem cell transplant?

Multiple sclerosis and stem cell

Multiple sclerosis, complex and debilitating disease, affects an estimated 2.3 million people worldwide.  This disease affects and its severity covers a wide spectrum from being relatively benign cases to the devastatingly disabling, bringing partial or complete paralysis to the body.  According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), somewhere between 250,000 and 350,000 people in… Continue reading Multiple sclerosis and stem cell

What Are Stem Cell?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can turn into cells with specific functions. Research has been tapping into the potential of stem cells to treat some diseases that currently have no cure. Sources of stem cell There are two main sources of stem cells: adult body tissues and embryos. Scientists have been working on ways… Continue reading What Are Stem Cell?

Tissue Regeneration

Stem cells can be categorized based on their potential to differentiate into other types of cells. Embryonic stem cells are the most potent, as they can differentiate into every type of cell in the body. The different types of stem cells based on their ability to differentiate are: Totipotent: These stem cells can differentiate into… Continue reading Tissue Regeneration

Study in Stem Cell treatment for Erectile Dysfunction – get to know more

Over the years, 35 studies investigating stem cell therapy for ED have been published. Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) were utilized in 18 studies while bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) were used in 9. One study found that injecting autologous adipose stem cells into the penis significantly improved sexual function in 21 men with severe, refractory… Continue reading Study in Stem Cell treatment for Erectile Dysfunction – get to know more


How Beneficial It is for People to Visit India for Medical Tourism

India’s medical tourism companies have always made a mark on the globe because of high-quality medical expertise. The country has a large number of clinicians with low costs of treatments. Not only this, the country has the most extensive pool of doctors in all of Asia. Medical tourism companies in India cater to over one… Continue reading How Beneficial It is for People to Visit India for Medical Tourism


Should You Consider Stem Cell Therapy for Your Autistic Child?

With 1 out of every 500 children in India being diagnosed as Autistic, there is a growing need for a trustworthy and effective treatment for the same.  Autism Spectrum Disorder affects children worldwide and as a result millions of dollars are being invested in research to find a long-term solution. Studies carried out on stem… Continue reading Should You Consider Stem Cell Therapy for Your Autistic Child?

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