The most common cause of severe, irreversible vision loss in adults over 60 is macular degeneration. It happens when the macula, a small area in the center of the retina, deteriorates. The retina is the nerve tissue in the back of the eye that detects light. The condition is frequently referred to as age-related macular degeneration since it worsens with advancing age (AMD). Although macular degeneration virtually never completely blinds a person, it can cause severe visual impairment.

Symptoms Associated with AMD

Without any visual changes, the signs of age-related macular degeneration can range from person to person. Straight-line distortion is one of the early indicators of macular degeneration, which can cause gradual or central vision loss. The user may confront the challenge of reading small print without conventional reading glasses.

If you have the following issue, you should have your eyes checked.

• Straight lines are deformed or wavy.

• Cloudy vision.

• Whiteouts or dry spots forming in the center of the eyesight.

• Occasionally reduced or modified color perception.

There are two main categories of age-related macular degeneration:

Dry Form: In the dry form the appearance of yellow deposits in the macula known as drusen is a defining feature of the “dry” variant of macular degeneration. A few little drusen may not affect vision, but when they proliferate and become more numerous, they may cause darkening or distortion of vision, which individuals typically notice when reading. There is also a thinned layer of light-sensitive cells in the macula in more advanced stages of dry macular degeneration, which results in atrophy, or tissue death. Patients with the atrophic variety of dry macular degeneration may experience blind spots in the middle of their field of vision. Patients experience central visual loss in the latter stages.

Wet Form: The “wet” form of macular degeneration is characterized by the choroid beneath the macula producing aberrant blood vessel development. The term for this is choroidal neovascularization. In addition to blind spots and a loss of central vision, these blood vessels leak blood and fluid into the retina, distorting vision and making straight lines appear wavy. These aberrant blood vessels eventually bleed, leaving a scar that impairs central vision permanently.

The technology for collecting the greatest number of viable stem cells from an autologous source has been perfected at the Medtravellers research center (Bone Marrow and Adipose).

Depending on the recommendation of our expert, these cells are administered via any of the following methods:

Retrobulbar Administration: This technique allows cells to be administered right into the retina of the eye.

Intravenous Administration: In this mode, mannitol and cells are injected through the veins in order to increase the blood volume in the central nervous system and ensure that the greatest number of cells can reach the desired location.

These cells can produce the milieu required for the replacement of the macula’s injured or dead cells with new cells once they have been reintroduced into the body. Moreover, stem cells are known to possess vasculogenetic abilities that allow them to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels in the eye to replace leaky or damaged ones.

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